
DB SF Ch11: conqueror's blood

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What's up with that shit??? Put you self together at once!!! C'mon!" Radditz yelled at his nephew, who was just standing here, frozen like a statue.
Gohan was wearing a full-body armour for the first time; similar to his uncle's one, only smaller and with short trousers instead of slips. The older warriors had brought him to the last two missions, but he had refused to take some action until now. For now Vegeta didn't care if he worked or not- because the power of the prince alone would have been more than enough to fulfil the mission of conquest. It was very big good luck for the child; if the enemies would have been stronger, he wouldn't take his "laziness"- as he was used to call it- that lightly. But how long could he dare to drag on this attitude without experiencing the anger of the prince? That was something Radditz didn't want to think about yet. Time was running against him.

The two relatives were standing in the middle of something that once had been a big and wealthy city; but now it was nothing but a mass of destroyed buildings. And a cemetery of an unnumbered amount of inhabitants. Vegeta and Nappa couldn't care less about the two low-class Saiyans; they continued their mission by destroying the big cities on the other side of the planet- his name was Kballar. Radditz was doing almost the whole work, except blowing up some of the buildings Gohan did almost nothing. He was still looking not to kill anybody. His uncle could yell and scream how much he could, nothing happened. At the end he even dragged there some injured Kballaians, who just needed the final blow to expire their lives. Instead of doing so Gohan just stood in front of the small pile of moaning bodies and stared at them.
"I-I cannot do that! They… they did noting wrong… I don't have any business with them!" the boy stammered with tears in his eyes.
Radditz sighed deeply. "Oh dear… what's up with that now? You can do it! Kwaldaik told me the story! Come on, move! Before the others come back!"
"That- that was something different! They attacked me first! But the here didn't! WE are the attackers! WE are the bad guys!" I don't like that!"
The man sighed again and took a deep breath. He had to try a different method here.
"Possible. No- it's true, I don't deny that. But! You told me by yourself, after that, how proud you were of your strength! And how you killed that guys in the training hall! Don't say no, because I know it! You were stronger than them, and you defeated them. That was your right. And? Am I right?"
Gohan lowered his eyes, embarrassed, and nodded weakly. That episode was not a thing he liked to remember. He felt scared of himself.
"There. And tell me, what is stopping you from getting that feeling back? Nothing. Only you self. Come on. Destroy those chains. You have to power to dominate them. Taste it! Get drunk on this feeling!"
The boy looked up to his uncle, then turned back to the unconscious Kballarians in front of him. He was silent, and was thinking about something. There was a major battle going on in his head, a battle between his human half and the Saiyan in him. Radditz had said what he could say, and waited silently for the outcome. Of course he was hoping for the Saiyan part to be victorious in the end. Not only for the boy's sake, but only for his own. How would Vegeta react if Gohan choose the wrong side?
The seconds ran by, and finally that mental battle seemed to come to an end. Gohan looked up, slowly, and raised his hand to Radditz's direction.
"You are right. I have the power…"
Seeing the open hand in front of him the Saiyan stiffed up a bit; he wasn't sure what the boy was up to. He felt a sweat-drop running over his cheek as he saw the growing energyball that was generated by that hand of the child. Was he planning to attack him?! Sure, it wouldn't be that stupid. Killing him and escaping with one of the space-pods and fleeing to Earth or somewhere.
Radditz swallowed hard as the situation dragged out longer than he felt comfortable. But then… the hand moved away from him and turned to the inhabitants on the ground in front of him. He led the red-yellow energyball grow even further and finally he fired it. The attack was powerful enough to destroy an area of more than two soccer fields and turn it into a smoking crater. Needless to say nothing remained of the poor Kballarians except a dark silhouette on the burned ground.
"Bravo! Finally, you did it! How do you feel?" Radditz fought hard not to show how relieved he was.
The boy looked at his hand, the hand which had fired that energyball, and smiled slightly. "I… I feel great! Is that the power I have…? It's … wow. I feel so strong!"
"At last you speak like a real Saiyan! So, Gohan, what about some work-out? Don't tell me you're already tired…!"

What they called work-pout was a challenge who could destroy more buildings in minor time, and who was unfortunate enough to loose his life in there… had only bad luck.
One of the two suns was descending and turned the sky in a deep red, as Radditz' scouter beeped. He was standing on a hill above the destroyed city and looked at the destruction he had caused.
"Vegeta calls Radditz. Status."
"Almost done. Only three big cities to do, I guess we'll finish them until tomorrow evening."
"Good. And what about that half-breed?"
"Good. He got it."
The conversation was cut; Radditz noticed that the explosions in the city had subsided. Gohan must have become tired after all.
"Radditz calls Gohan. What, don't tell me you already finished your energy!?"
After some moments of silence he finally answered, he could hear him panting from exhaustion. "Funny. I'm just hungry… Wait, I'll come to you, Radditz."
The warrior smiled and deactivated the scouter. It was surprising enough that the boy was able to keep up with this intensity until now; he himself began to feel certain tiredness and a hollow feeling in the stomach area. It wasn't his imagination, Gohan was about to surpass him, the only thing he lacked was experience. There was no excuse for him, he had to become stronger as soon as possible too; his power of almost 5.000 was already unimaginable for a third-class like him, but times have changed.
"Uncle Radditz!!! Where are you?" The calls from the sky woke him up from his thoughts. In moments like this Gohan was again the young boy, innocent and sweet, from the beginning. No trace of that evil and cold grin he had showed some hours ago.
The adult warrior waved and indicated to follow him. Together they searched for a nice place for them for the lunch. In the near forest Radditz found a wild creature, bigger than an elephant and armed with sharp teeth and six legs, and killed it for a nice barbecue. Both began to eat like they hadn't touched food for days.
Some minutes later only the bones remained; the Saiyan laid down on the reddish grass as soon they finished their meal.
"Puah! That was necessary! I was so hungry!" Gohan gasped out finally satisfied.
"So true. I don't want to know how much energy you have used today!" Radditz seconded that statement, after that he let go a huge loud burp. Gohan commented that with a giggle; Radditz couldn't help and smiled a bit puzzled.
"What's up?" he wanted to know.
"Nothing…!" the boy busted out and covered his mouth with his hand, still grinning.
"Don't fool me. Tell me!"
"Ehm… nothing… I… just…" as he began the grin vanished and was replaced by a sad face. "I just remembered my mom. Every time dad did that she scolded him. That was funny!"
"Pah! A Saiyan who get scolded by a woman from that planet! Damn, Kakaroth! You're a damn pussy!"
"Dad is NOT a pussy!!!" the boy raised his voice. "Only because he isn't like you he is not a pussy! I am proud of him, understood??"
"Yeah, yeah, understood… Man, chill down!" Radditz tried to calm him down; he really wasn't in the mood of another fight. And it worked, after some minutes Gohan really calmed down, and he surveyed him curiously.
"Ehm, Radditz? And you? Do you have any family left?"
That question hit the warrior like a stroke. He sat up and looked at him totally aghast. How much time had passed since somebody asked him that the last time?!
"W-What's up with that now?? A Saiyan doesn't need any family. He is strong enough alone! And… they are all long time dead… it doesn't matter…" at the end he growled something before turning away form his nephew who continued to watch him.
"Ow, I'm sorry… I just wanted to know something more about the Saiyans…" the boy shrugged with false resignation. In reality he was trying a trick. Until now , every time he made such questions his uncle couldn't hold back  and told him about the Saiyans. Maybe it will work here too. And it did.
"My father was Bardock, a born third-class officer. I barely knew my mother, because they sent me to a planet when I had only a year. Her name was Cauli or something like that. Kakaroth was sent off at an even younger age… and it didn't work out like we planned…" He stopped and made a disappointed gesture. "It doesn't matter anymore. C'mon, let's go to sleep, tomorrow we gotta finish our job!"
With that words he cut off any discussion and laid down on the grass, his hand behind his head. Even if you would never admit it, sometimes he really enjoyed this moments of silence, the wind in his hair and with nothing to worry about. But it didn't last long. He heard Gohan sitting down next to him and laying down too. Even with his eyes closed he could clearly feel his glace laying on him. He tried to ignore that feeling for some minutes, but it stung like a sharp needle on his skin. At the end he shot up and yelled at the boy.
"What is the matter??? Do I have something on my face for why are you fixing me like that???"
Gohan was startled and jumped, he felt caught. "S-Sorry! I-I didn't want to…!"
The Saiyan growled as he saw Gohans face redden from fear and shame. But the boy was still looking at him like he had a burning question on his tongue. It took him some effort to ask.
"You… you just looked so much like my dad… except the hair you look quite similar…!"
"Stop talking crap!" was he could answer. "And what do you expect? We were brothers! In our clan the male genes are quite dominant. And… stop talking about that looser! Let's change location instead."
Without any warning he stood up and was about to fly away, the boy was more shocked than surprised. As he finally flew away Gohn had to hurry up if he wanted to keep up.

Goku was caught by this sneezing-attack; he almost lost his balance as he was only standing on his left arm while doing push-ups. With his free hand he rubbed his nose, puzzled, while Sedri behind him laughed:
"What was that???"
"Where I grew up we say, that somebody is talking bad about you, if you sneeze like that."
"Ow, who dares!" Goku laughed and continued with his exercise.

The world formally known as Planet Kballar, which only three weeks ago was the home of a high developed culture, was no more recognizable. The cities had vanished from the surface, a population of more than 3 billions of people extinguished- except maybe some unfortunate survivors hidden in the mostly untouched- because uninhabited, wastelands.
The four Saiyan warriors stood on a hill above what once was the capital city and looked at the result of their gruesome work. Vegeta was stoic, he didn't show any emotions; Nappa on his side was laughing loud and full of amusement. It almost felt like he was still unsatisfied.
"It took us three days less than expected! Do we have to thank our half-breed for that?" he bald-head laughed and stroke the boy's head in a quite rude way. Gohan shot an angry glance at the man, but remained silent.
Vegeta shrugged. "It was too easy. I hope Freeza will give us a more interesting target the next time… simple Genocides like that are boring." He called his space-pod with the remote control; the others followed his example, including Gohan. Only some minutes later the four capsules landed in front of their owners and opened the hatches with a hissing sound.
While sitting down Nappa meant: ""I guess for are right, Vegeta. It would be interesting to have some more enemies with a power superior to 2.000 or somebody with 4.000!… but I'm talking only about me and you… Radditz and the brat would overwhelmed by that."
The two addressed ones sot angry glance at the baldie, and Radditz hissed in low voice: "I would like to know who is the one who is overwhelmed by everything…!"
"Uh? Did you say something, longhair?" Nappa made a bit overreacting.
"Nothing… Just arguing with the computer…" the low-class warrior said fast.
The hatches closed one after another, Gohan looked at his uncle and wondered about that last answer. Was he afraid of his comrade? Maybe he remembered that incident from more than one month ago. I was sure, everybody else who had dared to taunt him like Nappa did, would be a candidate for the Medical machine. But… He knew Radditz well enough by now to tell that it would stung. But why did he have to stay silent? Was it still that antiquate ranking system of a society that existed no more? Where the rank you were born in was more important than actual skill?

The four Saiyans set course to a base of Freezas Imperium, the journey would take a bit more than for days. Vegeta was lost in thoughts; he was choosing the right worlds to ask Freeza go give him more interesting missions. And he gave a shit of what his comrades would say. When he had conquered his first planet alone he was only a boy of five years. Genocide alone wasn't thrilling anymore; he was aiming at a duel with some skilled fighters to get stronger. In that sense the other Saiyans were a bit of nuisance for him, but he had to admit that in the last days this boy had raised his interest and his irritation at the same time. In that half a year he had learned more than other children could learn in 3 years of their basic training. Where will that lead? How much time will pass by until Gohan would reach his own level? In the last hundred years only very few Saiyans had a higher level than the Saiyan Prince…
"It doesn't matter… means I only have to become stronger…" he murmured almost asleep, grinning sinisterly.

As planned the four warriors landed on planet Freeza 23 4 days later, first they made report of their mission to have the next days free. Vegeta ordered his comrades to the training halls. As he was sure to be unwatched by the superiors he gave a strange order: to attack him.
"But... But…! Vegeta! That's insane…! You are way to strong for us!" busted Radditz out, shocked to death.
"Right… once in a while I agree with you." nodded Nappa. "If this should be serious, I'm sorry, we cannot keep up with you. Even together. That's unfair!"
"I KNOW THAT, IDIOTS!" growled Vegeta impatient. "I want to know your current level. If you are useful for me or not. So, attack me! Now!" The prince didn't lose time and made himself ready for an attack. So there was no way out, Nappa, Radditz and Gohan had to follow the order, nolens or volens. Nappa already knew the procedure and made himself ready; he also wanted to scare a bit the third-class warriors behind him. For Gohan it would be the first time to see Vegeta in action.
The bald Saiyan jumped at Vegeta and started a machinegun-fire of punches and jabs. But he only hit the hollow air; Vegeta dodged them all with an easiness like a dance. Seeing that Radditz whispered to his nephew:
"Gohan… take a good look at this. Focus on their movements. See how Nappa attacks…? And how Vegeta moves? Try to memorize it, when it's your turn you'll need it."
"I try me best… they are fast!" the boy nodded. To his surprise he was able to follow all the moves Nappa made, but not Vegeta. Sometimes he was just invisible to his eyes.
The fight went on like that, until Nappa needed a break and stopped his offensive. He was panting and sweating, his growling was a clear sign of his frustration.
"Already tired?! Damn… you waste your energy like you could sell it for money. I hoped you had improved since last time…" was the first judgement.
Nappas growling grew in intensity, he tensed his huge muscles and attacked again. This time he mixed punches and kicks and showed all what he got. And in fact he forced Vegeta to parry some of his attacks with an open hand. Nothing serious, anyway. But minute after minute, seeing that there came nothing more, the prince began to fell bored. He parried a punch and kicked Nappa in the liver-region, they could hear some rips crack. The Saiyan winched and coughed; Vegeta waited impatiently for a response. And it came. Ignoring the pain he delivered another punch, but it was stopped my Vegetas hand only some inches in front of his face. With all his remaining force he pushed against it, but his opponent only grinned. With a sudden movement of the fingers he closed his hand and crushed Nappas bones of the hand. This time he couldn't hold back a scream of pain, but it wasn't over for him. Still holding he crashed hand Vegeta hit his forearm with his elbow and again bones broke. The mighty Saiyan fell on his knees and held his deformed arm.
"Guaahhh!!! Vegeta…! I- I thought this was only a test..?!"
"You need a lesson! Your defence is awful and you loose your focus much too fast! If you ever face an enemy as strong as you that is a deadly sin! Gah, go away and think about that!!! Get lost!"
That signed the end of the test; Nappa stood up with some effort and dragged his aching body out of the hall. He gave a shit of what the others might do now; he only knew they wouldn't last long. But he felt an uncontrolled anger rising in his throat, the next unfortunate soldier coming by and staring at him was the valve for it.

Radditz was making some warm-ups to dissipate his uprising fear of this test. Seeing how Vegeta had treated his first officer wasn't a good perspective. The prince watched him silently; his scouter gave him his current level.
"Gohan! You fight with him! I don't want another boring fight!" ordered the prince.
Both Saiyans exchanged a last glance and nodded, then they took their fighting pose. Vegeta only stood there with crossed arms, waiting for the assault. And it started after some seconds of mute staring. With a deafening battle-scream they jumped at Vegeta and attacked him from both sides. The prince dodged by moving only his upper body, his arms still crossed in front of his thorax.
"What, don't tell me it's all that with you?!"
Radditz and Gohan were used at teamwork and together they were able to push Vegeta some meters back. At the end the prince was even forced to parry some punches with his hands. After a final shot they made a short break to survey the opponent another time. The expert warrior noticed that they were sweating a bit, but except that both looked quite still in shape. A point in their favour. The most interesting thing were their scouter readings: Radditz had 5.100 points, and the boy even 5.300. With that they had surpassed the level of normal third-classers by far.
For him the test was over, but he wanted to have some fun. With a loud growl Vegeta let a part of his real power. The air surrounding him began to whir, Radditz and Gohan felt the electricity around them.
"Hey! Slow down, Vegeta!" Radditz was concerned.
But it was too late, the Saiyan prince was about to attack; his punch was aimed to Gohans cheek. With the power of the fear of death he jumped sideways in the very last moment before the impact; the shock-wave of that punch was enough to hurl him away and cut his cheek.
"Not bad, kid…"
Now the times of jokes were over. The two fighters could do what they wanted and try as hard they could, but after three minutes the fight ended. The door of training hall 4 opened and a nearly unharmed Vegeta walked out stoic as usual. The clothing on his arm was scratched, but that was the only ting. To a walking-by soldier he told:
"Call a doctor for two injured."
The man looked inside and saw Gohan and Radditz laying on the ground unconscious, injured and bleeding. As fast as he could he called for the sickbay, and only ten minutes later they were already on their way to the medical tanks.
Chapter 11 of my FF "DragonBall SF"
Finally back to Gohan and Radditz. I wanted this chapter to show the intertior battle of Gohan and why he choosed what he choose.
the short scene with Goku I had from the anime, when Goku on the snakeway sneezed when Piccolo was talking bad about him (you see that quite often in manga/anime...)
And yes, the first hint of my version of Gokus mom, Cauli.

So, back on track. Again, sorry for errors, English is not my mother language.

other chapters so far:
prolouge: [link]
Chapter 1: [link]
Chapter 2: [link]
Chapter 3: [link]
Chapter 4: [link]
Chapter 5: [link]
Chapter 6: [link]
Chapter 7: [link]
Chapter 8: [link]
Chapter 9: [link]
Chapter 10: [link]
Chapter 12: [link]
Chapter 13:[link]

Dragonball (c) Akira Toriyama
© 2011 - 2024 BK-81
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darktails6889's avatar
looks like darkness has finally overcame him he looks so bad ass!!!!!!!!!